Zico's Pages

Sunday 5 March 2017

Pokemon Aeon : Episode 7

Ep 7: Air Commander: Special Pass for Walking

Flint Magaspar, the Air Commander wants to fight both Ash and Nadine in a battle. He used 19Menava (Flying/Light) and 20Disbat (Poison/Psychic) in the battle. Both of that Pokémon were the second evolution stage. Yoshua focused on Menava. That Menava was evolved from Cavate. He recalled for the match with Air Commander before, that Menava was still Cavate back then. Yoshua used his Cavate and Pytrass to fight Disbat and Cavate that belong to that Air Commander.

Ash used Taggoo and Nadine used Exogill. It is a battle in the air for three of them. Disbat used its psychic ability as defence and Menava is the triumph card for offence. Nadine and Ash never work as a team before, so their attack was so not synchronized. Air Commander used this as advantage for him to win. Taggoo was attack by Menava and fall down to the ground. Exogill was trying to break the defence of Disbat. Taggoo was defeated. Ash used Sepyrow. Sepyrow attack Disbat with Headbutt but he was poisoned by Disbat’s sweat. Sepyrow is now pressuring itself and burn in that anger. He learns a new trick called Meteor Rush and hit the opponent. Exogill battled with Menava. Both of them show the agility in the air. Menava got the faster speed while Exogill try to hit it with Salty Flap. Menava make a U-Turn and try to hit Exogill. Both Menava and Disbat was defeated and also Exogill and Sepyrow. Air Commander stops the fight and declares that both Ash and Nadine win the test. They got the Special Pass for Walking. Air Commander told them to safely keep the Pass.

Nadine tells everybody that she got the excitement to collect passes and making it as her new commitment within this journey. She wants to train hard so that her Pokémon will be able to win more passes in the future. Ash and Yoshua won’t stop her. They both know that they will focus more on the Pokémon League rather than collecting passes. Maybe Nadine will help them with the challenge for get more passes in the future.

Ash asked Yoshua about the route that they should take early in the next morning. Yoshua told them that only one route open for them. They need to go to Forge City to win their first badge. Edenstar City, Academia City and Forge City are the three main cities in Temaseki Island.  There's a Southern Bridge that can bring them to mainland but it was close due of maintenance services because of the strange phenomenon appear near it before..

Note:          (19) Menava (Canary+Menace) – Canary Pokémon – Menava is the second stage Pokémon. Its nature is menace. It feathers turn into dark yellow with white eyes. It seldomly disobey the instruction of its trainer because he want them to put priority first especially in battle. Male Menava got one long tail while the female one doesn’t.

                  (20) Disbat (Disable+Bat) – Bat Pokémon – Disbat evolves from Misbat. It loves to disable all moves from their opponent especially flying type. Disbat got longer ears than Misbat. It got white eyes that can clearly see in the dark. Disbat exhaled sweat from its body all the time. Myth mentioned about seeing a white albino Disbat once a hundred years. They thought that this white albino Disbat is the shiny ones.

They got their special pass for walking..
And Nadine got her aim for this which is she want to collect all the passes..
What adventure will they face next..?

If you guy not yet read the previous chapter, do click the link below :

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