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Friday 10 March 2017

Pokemon Aeon : Episode 18

Ep 18: Welcome to Kelkius Island : Bug Catcher

Ash and his friend arrived at Kelkius Island, the first island before entering Irgiant Island. Basically Kelkius Island is one of the islands in Irgiant territory. The cold windy weather greets them. Irgiant Island got a huge fjord especially the southern part of it. It’s covered with snow. They walked down the route. They saw a young kid; Niyal scolded his Flabug for losing in a battle. 

Yoshua wants to stop the boy from hurting Flabug. Niyal asks Yoshua for a battle. Yoshua used Duckeble. Niyal used 40Mellowby (Bug/Sound).Mellowby attack Duckeble with its Acid Shot. Duckeble evades it and used Peck. Mellowby was down. Mellowby used Dig and crawls inside the soil. DuckebleHigh Pitch’s attack missed. Duckeble been attacked by Mellowby. Yoshua ask Duckeble to use High Pitch once again. Plus Yoshua used the Potential Lock: Peck to make Mellowby send out from that battle. Yoshua won the battle by using tricks on Mellowby. Mellowby was defeated.

Niyal’s Flabug want to battle. Yoshua used 41Cavate (Flying/Light). Cavate attack Flabug again and again using Peck but Flabug still fight back with Sneeze Shot. Suddenly, Flabug evolved to 42Flacoon (Bug/Ice).Flacoon used Frozen Toxid. The attack is straight on Cavate. Cavate been poisoned. Yoshua want to switch to Garrough. Cavate wants to keep attacking Flacoon. Flacoon was defeated. Cavate was evolved into Menava. Yoshua hugs Menava.

Niyal felt sorry for his act. He seek for apologize from Flacoon. Ash mentioned that every trainer must nurture and love their Pokémon.

Serena picks up the call from PokeVice. It’s urgent. She mentioned that she already in Kelkius Island with her friends. Serena told Ash that she got to go. She must get ready for the next PokeContest. Her aunt is already sends the vehicle to pick her up. She doesn’t want to leave Ash but it is her dream to win Aeon PokeContest.  Ash cheers her up. He holds her hands and says that he understand that. He would like to cheer for her in that PokeContest. Serena mentioned that she waits for Ash to see her performance in Fahrenheight Island.

Note:          (40) Mellowby (Marshmellow+Bug) – Marshmellow Bug Pokémon – Mellowby got marshmellow on its back. It got really warm body especially other Pokémon make it mad. Mellowby loves to sing. Male Mellowby got black body while female Mellowby got cotton candy body. 

                   (41) Cavate (Cavate+Elevate) – Canary Pokémon – Cavate

                   (42) Flacoon (Flake+Cocoon) – Snow Cocoon Pokémon – Flacoon 

They step their foots in Irgiant Island..
The cold weather awaits them in this island..
Serena left once again..
What will they faced next..?

If you guys want to read the previous episode, please click the link below:

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